
Gynaecology & Obstetrics

The Best Gynaecology & Obstetrics Hospital in Nellore

The gynaecology department cares about the health of all of its female patients and their families. It offers a full range of gynaecological and obstetrical medical treatments under one roof. For pregnant mothers, we provide round-the-clock services concerning care of unborn children.

Normal Delivery and Postpartum Care:
Normal delivery, or vaginal delivery, is the completely safe, natural delivery of a baby by the mother without any medical intervention. Even the most complicated deliveries are now performed with great safety and convenience at our hospital, that has all of the necessary facilities for both the mother and the child. All medical equipment for normal delivery, vacuum delivery, and caesarean sections is kept on hand in case of an emergency. High-risk pregnancies, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and other complicated pregnancies, are treated by our team of concerned specialists. We provide comprehensive postpartum care, which includes a thorough examination of the mother’s physical, social, and psychological well-being. The mother will be examined to ensure that the uterus is contracting to its original size, is not infected, and that the postpartum bleeding is normal. Our nurses will be providing breastfeeding pointers as well as guidance on how to clean your recovering vaginal and perianal areas. The postpartum nursing assessment is an important aspect of care in order to detect early signs and symptoms of complications in a new mother.

Infertility Counselling and Treatment:
When it comes to treating infertility, counselling plays a critical role. The goal of our infertility counselling is to ensure that patients understand the effects of their treatment choices, receive proper emotional support, and are able to cope with the journey of infertility treatment in a healthy way. We offer world-class infertility treatment with advanced procedures and equipment and have been achieving high success rates. We also provide a safe, supportive, and comforting environment to aid couples in their treatment journey. We focus on evidence-based treatment and transparency in all our interactions with our patients.

Screening for Breast, Cervical, and Ovarian Cancers:
Breast cancer screening is often done through mammograms. Our doctor may recommend a diagnostic mammography if any abnormality is identified on a screening mammogram. We also use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to test for breast cancer in women who are at high risk. We perform a pap smear test to detect abnormal cells in the cervix, including cancer cells and cells that show changes that increase the risk of cervical cancer. Pelvic tests, blood tests, and other imaging tests are usually carried out to identify ovarian cancer. Once it’s confirmed that you have ovarian cancer, the doctor will use information from your tests and procedures to assign your cancer a stage.

Management of Menopausal Symptoms and Treatment:
Most women can detect when they’ve started the menopausal transition by the signs and symptoms of menopause. We often recommend treatments like hormone therapy, low-dose antidepressants, and vaginal oestrogen to relieve your signs and symptoms and prevent or manage chronic conditions that may occur with ageing.

Sterilisation Counselling and Services:
Our gynaecologist may recommend counselling before referring you for sterilisation. It will allow you to discuss the procedure in depth and address any concerns, fears, or questions you may have. Our sterilisation counselling seeks to ensure that the woman understands the procedure’s permanence and is aware of the factors that influence it.

Gestational Diabetes Treatment:
The goal of gestational diabetes treatment is to maintain blood glucose levels comparable to those of healthy pregnant women. Special food plans and planned physical activity are always part of the treatment. The treatment may also include daily blood glucose testing and insulin shots.

Gestational Hypertension and Pre-eclampsia Treatment:
The primary treatments for gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia include medications and prenatal monitoring. We use the recommended first-line medications used for severe hypertension in pregnancy.

Evaluation and Management of Recurrent Miscarriages:
Couples with recurrent pregnancy losses require support and understanding as early pregnancy loss is an emotionally traumatic experience. The evaluation begins with an extensive history and physical, followed by a diagnostic screening protocol. Our management and treatment plans are evidence-based. If no factor is identified, many couples will still eventually have a successful pregnancy outcome with supportive therapy alone.

Comprehensive Management of Both Male and Female Subfertility:
Our fertility specialist can help diagnose the cause of subfertility. The doctor collects the medical and sexual history of both partners and performs a physical examination, including a pelvic exam for women and an examination of the genitals for men, to treat the condition.

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Enel Hospitals has been established with the vision of making affordable and quality healthcare available to patients from all sectors of society. The dream project, led by Dr. Nagendra Prasad and Dr. Lavanya Kunkala, is set up in Nellore.

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